Congratulations to Ashton Chapman! She represented HSM well today at the Regional Spelling Bee! 🐝
3 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Thank you for everything you do at HSM, Officer Greene! We love and appreciate you!
3 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: This is just a reminder for our Good News Club participants that the last regular, scheduled meeting for this year was two weeks ago. There will be no Good News Club today.
6 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Happy Veterans Day! We were so honored to host many of our local veterans this week, as we celebrated them and recognize their service and sacrifice! To all who have served, thank you!
6 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: This is just a reminder that we will dismiss at 11:30 today. If you ordered Bundt cakes from PTO, you can pick them up in carline this afternoon. Thank you! If you have questions about cake pick-up, please email:
7 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Reminder: Fall Carnival is tomorrow!
7 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Fall Carnival!
We appreciate our custodial staff so much!
8 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Custodian Appreciation Day!
Our staff and students had a wonderful two days participating in our ArtsNow partnership! Under the direction of Ms. Cindy Riddle, they practiced using the visual arts in connection with their current academic standards!
8 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: Here are a few PTO reminders for this week: 1. PTO Meeting tonight 5:30-6:30. 2. Bundt Cake Orders due 9/20/23. 3. McDonald's Spirit Night (Inman) on 9/21/23.
8 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Message from HSM: This is just a reminder that if you have already signed your child up for Good News Club, it begins today. Pick up will be at 3:45 in the car line. Thank you!
8 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Good evening! Bus 14 will be on a significant delay tomorrow morning. Our bus 15 will run its route and drop students off at school. Then, bus 15 will come pick up bus 14's students, if they have not already been dropped off in the carline. This will be an excused tardy. We apologize for any inconvenience; thank you.
8 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Congratulations, Mr. Paul! We are so proud to have you represent HSM as our Support Staff of the Year!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Don't forget College Colors Day is Friday! Wear your favorite team's colors!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
From what I understand, McDonald's is without power in Inman, and there is a sign saying that it is closed. I just didn't want everyone going to make a special trip without having that information. Have a great night, bulldogs!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
If you would like to order one of the Blue, HSM Tie-Dye shirts, it is not too late! Orders will be placed next Thursday (Aug 31st). Youth sizes S-XL $10.00 Adult sizes S-XL $15.00 Adult size XXL $17.50 and XXXL $18.50 If you choose, please send sizes and money with your child. Thank you!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Don't forget; spirit night is tomorrow night at McDonald's in Inman!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Fall Picture Day is Friday! We can't wait to see their smiling faces!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
Picture Day!
Tomorrow is Independence Day!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
 Independence Day
Message from HSM: We are looking forward to seeing our students tomorrow morning! Please, be sure to communicate with your child's teacher how he or she will be going home this coming week. Have a great night, Bulldogs!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary
We welcomed our faculty and staff back into the building today! Your future is bright Bulldogs; we are looking forward to a great year! A special "thank you" goes out to Holly Springs Baptist Church for sponsoring our staff's breakfast this morning!
9 months ago, Holly Springs-Motlow Elementary