
📣SHOUT OUT!!!! IIS is a Special Olympics Unified Champion School and has received "national banner recognition"! 💖🏆🥇 "A Special Olympics Unified Champion School® demonstrating commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 standards of excellence receives national banner recognition. A Special Olympics Unified Champion School has an inclusive school climate and exudes a sense of collaboration, engagement and respect for all members of the student body and staff. A Unified Champion School receiving national banner recognition is one that has demonstrated commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 national standards of excellence. These standards were developed by a national panel of leaders from Special Olympics and the education community." Thank you, Mrs. Riske and Mr. Wilson for your continued hard work to ensure that ALL students at IIS are INCLUDED and respected. We love you and are so very PROUD of you!!! 🎉 #MUSTANGPRIDE #WeAreOne #nationalbannerrecognition